Menstrual Cycle Coaching

1:1 Menstrual Cycle Coaching can support you wherever you are on your cycle journey, whether you are completely new to menstrual cycle awareness or have been paying attention to your cycle for many years. Your coaching experience is tailored to your individual needs and intentions. 

Some of the areas we can explore together include: 

Menstrual Cycle Education: 

Understand the changes occurring in your body throughout the inner seasons of your menstrual cycle and how they influence the way you feel; including your energy levels, focus, emotions, creativity, resilience and more.

Hormone Health: 

Learn to optimise your hormonal health through personalised nutrition and lifestyle habits. Investigate the root cause of health challenges such as PMS, period pain, irregular or missing periods, long or short cycles, and fatigue. I can also offer support with endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, cysts and adenomyosis.

Cycle Charting:

Learn to chart your own menstrual cycle. Cycle charting can reveal if and when you’re ovulating, the length of each phase of your cycle, and so much more. This can give you important insights about your hormonal health and where you might need some extra support.

Womb Wisdom:

Explore menstrual cycle awareness as a spiritual practice and connect with your womb as a source of intuition, creativity and power. This may include energy healing, ancestral healing, guided womb journeys and other rituals.

Align with Your Cycle:

Learn how to weave cyclical planning throughout your self-care, family life, social calendar, work/business and more. Release patterns of overdoing and burnout in favour of a rhythm that is sustainable for your body and nourishes your feminine spirit.

Creative Expression:

Nourish your creative energy and tap into the natural creative momentum of your menstrual cycle. Learn to work with the gifts and challenges of each inner season to bring your bold, beautiful visions to life. This can support both personal goals and business projects.

Cyclical Business:

Take a cyclical approach to your business to enrich your creativity, productivity and leadership skills; and deepen your intuition and visioning gifts. Learn to work in a regenerative way that allows you to feel nourished, inspired and fulfilled.

Cyclical Living:

Explore the relationship between your menstrual cycle, the seasons of the earth, creative cycles, phases of the moon and the season of life you’re moving through. Deepen into the art of cyclical living by learning to dance with your inner and outer cycles, and honour the season you’re in.

Coaching Packages

  • x8 one-hour coaching sessions held on Zoom

    • Month 1: Weekly sessions x4

    • Months 2-3: Fortnightly sessions x4

    In-depth pre-session questionnaire

    Email and Voxer (voice messaging app) access to me between sessions to ask questions, share wins and challenges, and receive in-the-moment support. I encourage you to make the most of this support throughout your journey – clients have described it as being akin to extra sessions!

    Recorded calls, along with session notes with key insights and actions steps from each call

    Bespoke rituals, practices, meditations and educational resources to support you between sessions on your unique journey.

    Investment: x3 Monthly Payments of $820 AUD

  • x14 one-hour coaching sessions held on Zoom

    • Month 1: Weekly sessions x4

    • Months 2-6: Fortnightly sessions x10

    In-depth pre-session questionnaire

    Email and Voxer (voice messaging app) access to me between sessions to ask questions, share wins and challenges, and receive in-the-moment support. I encourage you to make the most of this support throughout your journey – clients have described it as being akin to extra sessions!

    Recorded calls, along with session notes with key insights and actions steps from each call

    Bespoke rituals, practices, meditations and educational resources to support you between sessions on your unique journey.

    Investment: x6 Monthly Payments of $690 AUD

Begin your cycle coaching journey

Interested in working together? Please fill out your details and I’ll be in touch soon.