Sacred Cycles

Understand your menstrual cycle & embrace your inner seasons

Discover the wisdom of your menstrual cycle and align your self-care with your inner seasons

The ebbs and flows of your menstrual cycle influence so much of how you feel and what you need on any given day.

Each menstrual month, you move through the four inner seasons – or phases – of your cycle. Each one brings different gifts, strengths and challenges. 

The Inner Seasons of your menstrual cycle impact:

☾ Your energy levels and motivation

☾ Your mood and mental health

☾ How focused and productive you are

☾ Your self-care needs

☾ Your confidence and self-esteem

☾ Whether you’re more inclined to be a social butterfly or a homebody

☾ How creative or inspired you feel

…and so much more!


The inner seasons are your guide for getting to know yourself and your body.

When you honour the rhythm of your menstrual cycle, you experience more energy, ease and confidence

Without an awareness of your cycle, it can feel like you’re on a constant physical and emotional rollercoaster. You may find yourself feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and incredibly frustrated. Not to mention the PMS, intense mood swings and period pain so many of us endure on a monthly basis!

The menstrual cycle is a vital part of our embodied experience and yet most models for wellbeing and productivity aren’t designed with our cyclic nature in mind.

In Sacred Cycles, you’ll become attuned to your body, mind and soul throughout your menstrual cycle

You’ll learn to align your self-care with your inner seasons so you can start feeling your best all month long.

You’ll also discover how to harness the power of your cycle in your health, relationships, creativity, career and spiritual life.

When you know your cycle, you know yourself.

“Sacred Cycles was a portal to my magic, innate wisdom, creativity, and reclaiming my emotional experiences and energy. 

Whether you’re wanting to learn more about the practical, emotional, or energetic components of your cycle, this course covers it all.”

Monique Beaver

Begin Sacred Cycles today

Receive instant access to Sacred Cycles, including:

  • 8 x on-demand modules

  • 9 x guided practices & meditations

  • 4 x bonus guest workshops

In Sacred Cycles, we’ll explore:

  • Menstrual cycle 101, so you understand what’s happening within your body throughout the different phases of your cycle

  • The ways in which your menstrual cycle can influence your physical, emotional, mental, creative and spiritual experience on a daily basis

  • How to chart your cycle, which will help you become more in tune with your own body and understand how to best support yourself in each inner season

  • How to harness the powers and strengths of each inner season to nourish your health, relationships, career, creative projects, spiritual practice and more

  • Tools to support you through the potential shadows and challenges of each inner season

  • Practices for deepening your body awareness and cultivating trust in your inner wisdom

  • Lifestyle guidance, sacred rituals and self-care practices to nourish you in each inner season

  • How to plan your calendar to make the most of your cycle


  • How to pace yourself throughout your cycle for more energy, less overwhelm and fewer premenstrual symptoms


  • Ways to slow down and honour your period, even when life is busy


  • Attuning to your cycle as a feminine spiritual practice


  • Guided meditations to connect with your womb and explore the magic of each inner season


  • A treasure trove of rituals, meditations, embodied practices and journal prompts

By the end of Sacred Cycles, you’ll have an embodied understanding of your menstrual cycle and feel confident in how to take charge of your own wellbeing

Begin Sacred Cycles today

Receive instant access to Sacred Cycles, including:

  • 8 x on-demand modules

  • 9 x guided practices & meditations

  • 4 x bonus guest workshops

When you reconnect to the wisdom of your menstrual cycle:

☾ Life feels more easeful and aligned

☾ You have more energy and know how to pace yourself to avoid burnout 

☾ You experience less PMS, period pain and exhaustion

☾ You feel sovereign, confident and connected to your own power

☾ You become more focussed, productive and creative at work

☾ You learn to trust your intuition and spend less time looking outside of yourself for answers

☾ Inspiration and creativity flourish – and you have the motivation and energy to see your ideas through to fruition

☾ You deepen your connection to your spiritual self

☾ You feel nourished, resilient and able to respond to life’s challenges

☾ You become more discerning about what you need and how you want to spend your energy

☾ You experience more presence and joy in your relationships

☾ You treat yourself with compassion and kindness

☾ You feel at home in your body

“Sacred Cycles delivered a wealth of understanding about my body, emotions, and needs that has changed the way I think and live.

Instead of fighting against my instincts, I’m learning how to listen and use each inner season to its full advantage in a productive way. 

Learning to express strong emotions in a healthy way instead of bottling them up during my Inner Autumn has brought a lot more peace (and fewer cramps!!) into my life. This course is the missing piece in understanding how to embrace womanhood in a society that doesn’t teach it.”


Over 8 weeks, you’ll explore

Week 1: Reclaim Your Cycle

  • How to track your own cycle and begin (or deepen) your Menstrual Cycle Awareness practice

  • Guided meditation to connect with your womb wisdom

  • How you can begin to reclaim your menstrual wisdom in a world that isn’t set up to support your cyclical needs

  • Shift your mindset. Release outdated, negative beliefs and begin to cultivate a loving, empowered relationship with your cycle

  • Daily Cycle Tracker & Monthly Cycle Planner templates

Week 2: Know Your Cycle

  • Menstrual cycle 101: Understand what’s happening in your body during the four phases of the menstrual cycle

  • Get to know your hormones, endocrine system and reproductive organs

  • What’s normal and what isn’t during your premenstrual phase 

  • Debunk some of the most common menstrual cycle myths 

  • Discover how your menstrual cycle is constantly providing clues about your overall health and where you need to support yourself

  • Fall in love with your intelligent, wise, powerful body!

  • Bonus Guest Workshop: Introduction to the Fertility Awareness Method 

Week 3: Inner Winter - Menstruation

  • The gifts, strengths and challenges of Inner Winter (your period)

  • How to support your physical, emotional, creative and spiritual wellbeing during your period

  • Why and how to prioritise rest during your Inner Winter, even when life gets busy

  • Rituals and meditations to tap into the magic of your Inner Winter

  • Practical tips for syncing your self-care and schedule to honour yourself during your period

  • How your Inner Winter can help you access your intuition, receive inspiration and gain clarity on your next steps

  • Explore the intuitive, visionary power of the Wise Woman archetype

  • Bonus Guest Workshop: Restorative Yoga for Menstruation 

Week 4: Inner Spring - Follicular Phase

  • The gifts, strengths and challenges of Inner Spring (follicular phase)

  • How to support your physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual wellbeing in this season of your cycle

  • Plan Your Cycle: Monthly ritual to map out your cycle and harness the power of your inner seasons in your daily life

  • Practical tips for syncing your self-care and schedule to make the most of your Inner Spring

  • How stress can affect your cycle

  • Explore the playful curiosity of the Maiden archetype

Week 5: Inner Summer - Ovulation

  • The gifts, strengths and challenges of Inner Summer (ovulation phase)

  • How to support your physical, emotional, creative and spiritual wellbeing in this season of your cycle

  • Rituals for embodying the pleasure and magnetism of ovulation

  • Practical tips for syncing your self-care and schedule to thrive in your Inner Summer

  • Guided meditation to connect with the creative energy of your ovaries and womb

  • Explore the creative power of the Mother archetype

  • Bonus Guest Workshop: Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary Therapy for a Healthy Cycle

Week 6: Inner Autumn - Premenstrual

  • The gifts, strengths and challenges of Inner Autumn (premenstrual phase)

  • How to support your physical, emotional, creative and spiritual wellbeing in this season of your cycle

  • Learn to embody the powers of your premenstrual phase in healthy ways – instead of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and emotionally volatile

  • Practical tips for aligning your schedule and self-care to nourish yourself in your Inner Autumn

  • Guided meditation to energetically clear your pelvic bowl

  • Explore the fiery, intuitive power of the Wild Woman archetype

  • Inner Seasons Guided Visualisation Journey

Week 7: Your Inner Landscape

  • Handling your Inner Critic, especially in your premenstrual phase

  • Tools for navigating big emotions

  • The power of embracing your emotions – and how unexpressed emotions can affect your menstrual cycle

  • Guided embodiment practices for moving emotional energy

  • Strengthen your connection to your intuition and body-wisdom

  • Bonus Guest Workshop: Breathwork for Shifting Premenstrual Energy

Week 8: Womb Alchemy

  • The energetic power of the womb and ovaries

  • The connection between ancestral healing and womb healing

  • Guided meditation ritual to harness the creative power of ovulation

  • Guided Temple of the Womb meditation journey to receive guidance and insight during your period

  • The magic of menstrual blood and rituals to honour it

  • Reclaim your womb as a cauldron of creation and rebirth, and connect to the creative power of your ovaries

  • Bonus Guide: The Moon & Your Menstrual Cycle

You’ll receive:

☾  x8 on-demand modules provided in both audio and ebook format, so you can choose whether to read or listen

☾ Practical resources including your daily cycle tracker and monthly cycle planner 

☾ Guided rituals, embodiment practices and meditations

☾  x4 guest workshops: Introduction to the Fertility Awareness Method, Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietary Therapy for a Healthy Cycle, Restorative Yoga Class for Menstruation, and Breathwork for Your Premenstrual Phase

Sacred Cycles is a self-study program. When you sign up, you’ll get instant access to all eight course modules. You can explore one module per week or learn at your own pace.

“Sacred Cycles is a journey home to your body, and to connect you to your feminine energy and power. 

My period is much healthier than it used to be.

I am more connected to my body and I love it! This course gives you a lot of tools to not only overcome your struggle with your period, but also to honour your cycle in your day-to-day life.”

Mabi Karkani

Hi, I’m Alisha. I’m a menstrual cycle coach and educator.

I support women in unlocking the wisdom of their menstrual cycles so they can feel their best and share their magic with the world.

I fell in love with menstrual cycle awareness while healing from years of debilitating PMS and period problems, after almost a decade on hormonal birth control. 

That experience led me to explore the magic of cyclic living and my whole life changed for the better. Honouring my menstrual cycle became the blueprint for creating the life and business of my dreams ‐ without sacrificing my wellbeing. 

Now I’m honoured to support others in doing the same. Sacred Cycles is everything I wish I had known when I first began to learn about the menstrual cycle.

I’m a certified Menstruality Mentor, Women’s Hormonal Health Coach, Integrative Womb Hara Massage therapist, Holistic Pelvic Care™ practitioner and yoga teacher.

“Whether you are well-versed in your inner seasons or just beginning to learn about your cycle, this course will meet you where you’re at and lead you into a greater depth of understanding and connection with yourself.

I had been practicing cycle alignment for a few years before taking Sacred Cycles, but Alisha’s guidance enabled me to connect with my cycle on a spiritual level — something I had been longing for, but unable to access on my own.”

Britta Hamilton


  • Digital programs can not be returned. All sales are final and we do not offer refunds for any reason.

  • You’ll receive instant access to the entire course when you sign up. Once you complete your purchase you’ll be asked to create a login, which you’ll use to access the course.

  • You have access to Sacred Cycles for one year from the date of purchase, and the content can be downloaded to your device so you have it for life

  • This course is open to anyone who wants to develop a deeper intimacy with their cycle, whether you’re a beginner or have been practicing menstrual cycle awareness for years. During the first module, I’ll teach you how to begin tracking your own cycle.

  • Sacred Cycles will teach you how to live in harmony with your cycle (however that currently looks). The tools you learn will teach you to listen closely to your body, and gain insights that will support you on your personal cycle journey.

  • If you’re pregnant or postmenopausal this may not be the right program for this season of your life. If you’re experiencing amenorrhea (missing periods) or are currently breastfeeding, you can track your cycle with the moon and apply what you’re learning within Sacred Cycles. 

  • All prices are in Australian dollars.

  • Please email me at

Begin Sacred Cycles today

Receive instant access to Sacred Cycles, including:

  • 8 x on-demand modules

  • 9 x guided practices & meditations

  • 4 x bonus guest workshops

“Sacred Cycles has changed my life in so many ways and I’m so grateful. I feel a million times more productive because I’m working in alignment with my seasons’ energy.

The dialogue between me and my body has opened up and instead of talking smack about my period and PMS, I am now seeing the magic and gifts in all of it. 

I used to resent or avoid the slow times of the month, but now I’m excited for them because I’m working in synchronicity with my seasons. 

Alisha is such a wonderful, beautiful, and knowledgeable guide and I truly believe this is a course every woman needs to experience, it is empowering, liberating and so valuable.”

Jess Slattery